Heart failure (HF) is one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in the world. Fatigue is frequently associated with the HF and causes disability, decreased motivation and life quality etc. Aim of the study was to evaluate effect of combination therapy with recommended HF therapy and Mildronate 1000mg/day for 3 months on systolic function of the heart and fatigue level. A non-probabilistic sample of 100 adult patients with HF with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) being on the recommended HF treatment according to the current HF management guidelines were involved in a cross-sectional observational study. All the patients underwent to the add on therapy with Mildronate 1000mg/day for 3 months. For assessment of fatigue existence and its severity has been used the 30-item Multidimensional Fatigue Symptom Inventory-Short Form (MFSI-SF). Heart ultrasound and MSFI-SF was performed twice – in the beginning and after 3 months from onset of combination treatment. Combination treatment including Mildronate significantly improved EF and decreased MFSI-SF score (P<0.0001). There was observed significant improvement of fatigue, remembering things and muscle ache (P<0.0001). There was significant improvement in patients’ feelings of being upset, nervous, pooped, confused, sad, depressed, tensed and/or distressed (P<0.0001). EF level was positively correlated with the severity of cheerful, relaxed, refreshed and energetic feelings assessed from 0 to 4 points. Hence, EF was negatively correlated with the severity of trouble remembering things, concentrating and paying attention, muscles ache, feel upset, nervous, pooped, confused, sad, fatigued, depressed, tensed and tired, forgetfulness, weakness in legs and hands. We recommend to use MSFI-SF scale for assessment of existence and severity of fatigue in patients with HFrEF before and after treatment to evaluate the benefit of the treatment. Mildronate as an add-on agent on the standard HF treatment showed strong ability to improve EF, clinical manifestations and fatigue.