Use of Mildronate in Geriatric Patients withCongestive Heart Failure
  • Audris Visokinskas, Ivars Kalvinsh, Jurgita Knasiene, Vita Lesauskaite, Jurate Macijauskiene , Laima Jankauskiene
  • Journal of The Indian Academy of Geriatrics, Vol. 1, No. 3, Dec., 2005.


Aims: The aim of our investigation was to assess effectiveness of Mildronate in the treatment of aged patients with congestive heart failure.

Methods: Ninety one patients with NYHA functioned class I to III heart failure were assessed. Study group consisted of 63 patients who got Mildronate 750 mg per day for one month together with conventional treatment. Control group which consisted of 28 patients got only conventional treatment. Objective and subjective state of study subjects were assessed, questionnaire on quality of life was completed, electrocardiogram was registered and 6 minute walking test was performed.

Results: In the study group angina attacks decreased from 1.6 to 0.7 per day, and its intensity from 1.4 to 0.7 scores (in 7 score system), (p<0.05). In control group angina attacks decreased from 1.46 to 1.25, (p>0.05). Among the study group rales in lungs disappeared in 8 patients (12.6%), and in 3 patients (4.8%) oedema feet subsided. Systolic blood pressure decreased by 8 mmHg and diastolic by 4 mmHg. In control group these clinical changes during the period of study were not statistically significant.

Conclusion: The study showed that mildronate was a safe and well tolerated medication in aged patient and helped to decrease the symptoms of heart failure, increased exercise tolerance and improved quality of life.